Characterizing street hierarchies through network analysis and large-scale taxi traffic flow: A case study of Wuhan, China
Liang Huang, Xinyan Zhu, Xinyue Ye, Wei Guo, Jiye Wang
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 0(0)-21, 2015
1. Research Questions
2. Theoretical background
3. Research methodology & Data
3.1 Centrality measures
– “‘degree’ is connectivity that specifies the number of nodes that directly link a given node in a graph”.
– “‘betweenness’ is the number of times a node acts as a bridge along the shortest path between two other nodes, which reflects the intermediary location of a node”.
Where vi, vj, and vk is distinct vertices, jk(i) is the number of shortest path that pass through vi, and jk is number of shortest paths from vj and vk.
– UCINET software.
3.2 Power law distributions. (scale-free distributions)
– “When the probability of frequency of a particular value of some quantity varies inversely as a power of that value, the quantity is said to follow a power law (Newman, 2005)”.
– “The universality of the power law is that there are many small events and few large events”.
– “The straight line on the log-log plot is the signature of a power law”.
– ‘Pareto distribution’ consists of horizontal axis and P(X>x) on the vertical one.
3.3 Traffic flow distributions
– Wuhan city taxicabs data, GPS data (date, time, identification, longitude, latitude, velocity, driving direction (heading), and service status).
4. Results
Below Figure 2, and Figure7`s graph follow power laws. Also, as below Table 1, The connectivity and betweenness of Wuhan`s both natural and named streets are inclined to Top 20% rank. Even, bottom 80% rank has under average connectivity and betweenness. So, Author says that top 1% rank forms aorta of the street network of Wuhan.
As below Table 3, daily flow distribution among the streets are also inclined to Top20% rank. And also, graph of flow distribution follows power laws. As below Figure 12, Author says that there are obvious hour-to-hour changes in the percentage of hourly flow distribution. So he expects that these lead to traffic congestion, and argues that the street network of Wuhan needs to be improved.
(Connectivity & Betweenness & Daily flow 상위 20%에 집중됨–> Traffic congestion)
Size, connectivity, and tipping in spatial networks: Theory and empirics
Yuri Mansury, J.k. Shin
Computer, Environment and Urban System 54 (2015) 428-437
1. Research Questions & Hypothesis
2. Introduction & Theoretical background
3. Methodology & Data & Results
3.1 The network model (based on ‘Gravity Model’)
They assume that a pair of nodes can be joined by at most one link and that all existing links have equal weight. Interactions between the two cites(I and J) are measured like,
Where Kij is a binary indicator = 1 if a link exists between node I and node J and = 0 otherwise.
Where <k>Iin and <k>Iout are the average number of intra-city and inter-city links, respectively, and mI is city I`s population size. Then, KIin and KIout are determined by Gravity approach (Haynes & Fotheringham, 1984; Sen & Smith, 1995; Blumenfeld-Lieberthal & Portugali, 2012; Masucci, Serras, Johansson, & Batty, 2013).
Where dIJ is the distance between two cities and Cx is a constant term (Gravity model).
Intra-city interactions also can be obtained from Gravity model. The log-log plot of connectivity against population size m converges to a straight line like
Where the power exponent can be viewed as the elasticity of intra city interactions and C0 is constant term in intra-city and is smaller than or similar to 1 in inter-city.
These are consolidated by empirical support like below.
–>At this graph, Intra-city connectivity is more influenced by population size than inter-city connectivity. Also, Gravity forces are stronger in the smaller system.
(intra-city가 인구수의 영향 ↑, Smaller system에서 Gravity model 영향↑)
3.2 A model of a geometric network
– Geography matters in the real world for two reasons. First, cities are unevenly distributed across space, and their populations are clustered in urban agglomerations. Second, large cities tend to cluster with other cities while distance between cites increases.
They initialize the ABM with a random distribution of 100,00 agents across a two-dimensional 1000 X 1000 plane as considering the dispersion effect of moving costs and the centripetal force of increasing returns like below
And also, data is obtained like below
–>At this table, as urban growing, the number of cites decreases, average connectivity increases, and average external factor is reduced because interact with same-city neighbors vis-à-vis acquaintances increases.
(Urban Growing–>도시수↓, average connectivity↑, average external factor↓)
– Micro-foundation tipping model can help them identify the influences of social processes on the spatial context.
– Tipping point: The time that incompatible views on social issues are completely converted to consensus through conversation.
Tipping point is expressed by formulation
Where yit denotes agent i`s trait at time t, the trait retention rate, the diffusion rate.
Also, below data is obtained
–>, which shows that exponential distribution leads to a homogenous society, power laws leads to a pluralistic society and links are remained because agent`s trait convergences to a consensus in exponential distribution, and otherwise in power laws.
(exponential size distribution –>homogenous society, power law distribution –>pluralistic society)
–>Lastly, they randomly swap the locations of settlements, which weakens the local network in the largest city because swapping makes the minority trait extinct. So the city can be homogeneous society.
(location of settlement를 임의로 바꿈–>minority trait 없어짐–>local network ↓)
Tighe & Ganning (2016)
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